7 distinctive big women and man

7 distinctive big women and man

1. men greatest fault; ever be interrupt dgn to offer solution
2. speaking man with their own language
3. man needs to study the importance for listens
4. according to man, expression loves that great gets to make a difference that big
5. to fix its mood, man chooses apart
6. man looks on that if woman not more ask for, matter that be given was enough
7. men especially pleasing at appreciates, at accepts, and, trusted

1. women greatest fault; with so at pleasure it give undesirable advices
2. speaking woman with their own language
3. woman needs to study trick for halting changes a man
4. according to expression woman loves that simple makes a difference that big
5. to fix its mood, woman speaks its problem
6. at woman the world, are not romantic if woman have to ask for love statement and, attention
7. women especially honored pleasing, apprehended, and, noticed

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